
This one-day course is for anyone interested in Singing for Lung Health training requiring basic singing and leading skills.

Using your voice confidently, and being able to lead a group in singing are essential for successful lung health training. This foundation course will provide these, observing good practice, basic techniques for leading a group, and plenty of ideas for suitable music. It will be very practical, with lots of opportunities to explore and learn from experienced singing leaders and each other.

Course Objectives

This course will enable participants to:

  • Develop confidence and competence in leading singing and musical facilitation for groups
  • Understand the impact that singing has on people’s vocal health and wellbeing
  • Begin to learn how to create core repertoire of songs and singing activities that can be taught by ear
  •  Deliver physical, breathing and vocal warm up exercises

Course Content

Course content will include:

  • How to warm up the voice and prepare for singing
  • How to model, teach and lead singing with a group
  • Conducting and musical facilitation skills – non-verbal communication and gestures
  • Strategies for teaching songs by ear and how to promote confidence in others
  • Planning and structuring a singing session, considering how to pace activity
  • How to feedback constructively and set expectations
  • Consideration of repertoire, what works and where to find it
  • Introduction to basic musical elements – pitch, rhythm, pulse, tempo and dynamics

Activities for participants will include:

  • Working together with the course leader, singing and exploring good practice
  • Leading a simple warm up and teaching a song to a small group, building on practice explored in the large group session
  • Observing and sharing feedback with other participants
  • Plenty of exploring, enquiring, empowering and enjoying

Structure of the Course

  • 10.00-12.30 (inc 15 min break) Whole group session – Singing and leading skills
  • 13.30-15.30 Small groups session – Putting it into practice, each participant leading
  • 15.45-16.30 Plenary – Take aways and what next?

Register Interest

We are currently gauging interest in this course and looking for suitable venues. To register your interest please fill out this form.

Register Interest